Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Book Edition: The being and attributes of God demonstrated, In a Method intirely new, yet easy to be understood by even the Unlearned: or, an essay concerning God, In Four Parts: I. An Explication of the Argument a priori, or from the Nature of God. II. This Argument exhibited in a Series of Propositions. III. The most material Objections against God’s moral Character answered. IV. A proper Temper and Conduct towards God adjusted, in several important Corollaries. The whole adapted to the Use of the active World.

Your search matched 8 borrowing records.

The being and attributes of God demonstrated, In a Method intirely new, yet easy to be understood by even the Unlearned: or, an essay concerning God, In Four Parts: I. An Explication of the Argument a priori, or from the Nature of God. II. This Argument exhibited in a Series of Propositions. III. The most material Objections against God’s moral Character answered. IV. A proper Temper and Conduct towards God adjusted, in several important Corollaries. The whole adapted to the Use of the active World.


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